Global Quality Education Providers Inc. (GQEP) supports and adopts lifelong learning through the application and integration of information and communication technology and other appropriate technology tools as its universal approach to providing quality education for all.


GQEP is committed to producing world-class human resources and institutions by providing best-of-class training and education programs.


GQEP aims to assist public and private training and education institutions, the government and private business sectors in providing quality and productivity tools, capacity-building programs and opportunities to produce world-class human resources and institutions able to globally compete and excel in the world of work.


GQEP promotes equitable access to training and education opportunities, lifelong learning or continuing education for all… regardless of race, religion, gender, age, and economic status, among others.

It accesses and makes available to all, the latest education technology, approaches and strategies to make teaching and learning effective, thus, helping transform individuals, groups and sectors to become sustainable.

It adheres to the universal principles promoted by the United Nations, particularly UNESCO, which revolves around a rights-based approach to all educational endeavors… including the four pillars of Education For All – learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together and with others, and learning to be.